I walk alone
Through hallways that were once filled with light
Through hallways that were once filled with light
But now are still and
Breaths are quick and
Tears break free to run their
The only symbol of my
But they too are slowly
slowly fading
They will leave me too
regarded. Loyalty forgotten.
Long endless hallway
you engulfed me
You’ve stolen me
Freedom torn from me
hid me away
Feelings, emotions
trapped within you
You control me
Everything about me,
strangled and smothered
Took away all that was anything
to me
And for what, I pray?
I am still alone
Leave me too
What is left to endure
but the stinging strikes of hate
and misguided love?
I knew no better than to
fall for you
I know no better still
The quietness bring about
ironic serenity
In contradiction to all
Out of place
and much too late
Attempts failing
Now guided by chance and luck
But not much hope
Beliefs of a lost cause -
The distraction
All is gone again
holes dug deeper
to the very core of my soul
Each tear transforming me
until I am no more
Long hallway you have
failed me
Lost me in your battle
Your promises of light
left undelivered
I am no more
All is forgotten by
dawning of light
Too late to help survive
or revive
I am gone, lost
Long lost light reborn,
with blinding
Reclaim your lost child
Finally released and in
search of you
Leave me not to dwell in
tiny corners
Blending in with the
Find me
let me live again