Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for truth. ~Benjamin Disraeli
So here's my truth in its rawest form....

Monday, March 10, 2014

Haiku Series #71

Repeating mantras
Over and over again
Be brave, please be brave
See the rest of the Haiku Series

Monday, March 3, 2014


I falter when I step
The way it spins around me
S l o w l y at first,
                    then faster and faster
But I still don't fall
All I want is the ground
I can't feel it beneath my feet
Not even the pain
                    I'm numb to everything
But it DEMANDS to be felt
So instead I lose my breath
And my vision fades
Scattered and broken pieces of your face
                    invade my mind
Distorted voices whisper against my ear
But the words are muddled,
                     worse, dripping with venom
Sing me to sleep
I want to forget