Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for truth. ~Benjamin Disraeli
So here's my truth in its rawest form....

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I will not hide in corners
Running from the light
I refuse to rage a war just to prove my point
The emotions are spilling over
While you sing a lullaby
Tempting little devil
Watching others crash into jagged rocks
Lost forever
Smothered screams and heavy blackness
Pulling me under, I will not lose control
Your never ending army grows
Unwilling souls swirling into the depths
Intertwined and restless

It's all engulfed in flames
Why is it so inviting?
This urgent pull
Seductive and desperate
It almost makes me forget
I'm that close to letting you in
Surrendering to that vortex
But your words don't soothe me
They knock me out of my reverie
I will not fall victim
I am my own 
And you can't have me anymore 

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